My Podcast Playlist

I'm often asked about the podcasts that I listen to on a regular basis. The combination of a long commute and self-training to be able to listen to podcasts at 3x speed means that I have quite a lengthy list. Without further ado:

#PaxEx Podcast - An excellent podcast from the Runway Girl Network that covers topics related to the airline passenger experience.

Accidental Tech Podcast - A fun tech podcast starring John Siracusa, Marco Arment, and Casey Liss. I enjoy listening to their wildly different views on the latest topics in tech.

The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - This is a comedy/self-help show starring the folks from Loveline.

All About Android - Even though I'm an iOS developer and not an Android developer, I like to keep in the loop on what is going on in that world. Starring the wonderful Gina Trapani and some other people not named Gina Trapani.

Amplified - One of the funnier podcasts out there related to Apple news. Hosted by Dan Benjamin of 5by5 fame and Jim Dalrymple the Editor in Chief of The Loop. Jim's sometimes a bit rough on certain companies (e.g. Samsung, Google) but his belly laugh makes things memorable. I honestly don't listen to the part of the show related to music topics.

The Broad Experience - A show about women and the workplace. If you liked Sheryl Sandberg's book Lean In, then you will likely appreciate this podcast.

CMD+Space - This interview-based show can be wildly inconsistent, depending on the particular guest that is being interviewed. I generally only listen to the episodes that cover topics I care about or involve people that I find interesting.

CocoaRadio - This show by the current developer of Glassboard, Justin (Not Bieber) Williams, is also interview-based. The consistently excellent selection of guests and Apple-related topics keeps me interested.

Core Intuition - This show is usually about the Apple ecosystem, but often veers into topics of general interest to indie software developers. The friendship between Daniel Jalkut and Manton Reece, coupled with the short episode lengths, keeps this show well-paced.

The Critical Path - If you want to dig deep into business topics or are a budding financial analyst, then this show is for you. Horace Dediu's excellent analysis of the different strategies employed by companies is usually spot-on. This is perfect material to debunk the general crackpottery infesting the tech and financial media.

Debug - Another interview show about tech topics. Can be somewhat inconsistent (though interview-based shows often are at the mercy of the guests).

Developing Perspective - A quick (15-minutes) show hosted by David Smith, an indie iOS and Mac developer. The topics, while based on the perspective of a developer immersed in the Apple ecosystem, are applicable to many situations that a developer may encounter.

DLC - A show about videogames and tabletop games. The call-in segment is interesting. I never listen to the tabletop segment, though.

The Frequency - This podcast is great because of the fun banter between Dan Benjamin and Haddie Cooke as they cover news topics ranging from the technology to oddities.

The Games Cast - A show about videogames from a British perspective. Very British.

How Did This Get Made? - This comedy show starring actors from the sitcom The League is great because it skewers many of the terrible movies that you love and hate.

iDeveloper - Another indie iOS and Mac development podcast. Worth a listen for the critical perspective on the Apple ecosystem.

iMore Show - Apple topics (generally news) covered by Rene Ritchie and Pete Cohen (formerly of the Angry Mac Bastards podcast).

In Beta - I'm of two minds about this one. I loved this show when it was hosted by Gina Trapani and Kevin Purdy and covered tech culture topics. Ever since Gina left the show, I've found the topics to not be to my particular tastes. Still has a gem now and then.

The Incomparable - A loveably geeky show about movies, comic books, television shows, and novels. Usually good for more than a few witty observations about geek topics.

IRL Talk - This podcast hosted by Faith Korpi and Jason Seifer (the former hosts of Geek Friday on 5by5) also covers geek topics. The interplay between Jason and Faith is great, especially when Jason is trolling Faith or when Faith has never heard of a particular geek topic.

Isometric - Brand new at the time of this writing, but I already love this show. Hosted by Brianna Wu (head of development at Giant Spacekat), Steve Lubitz, Maddy Myers, and Georgia Dow. This show provides a refreshing perspective on videogame news, development, and culture. I appreciate the fact that each episode has a sense of focus that is often lacking from videogame podcasts. I also appreciate hearing the feminine perspective on topics generally covered by men.

Iterate - A show about crafting the user experience for apps. As someone who only dabbles in the UX world, this show can be somewhat hit-or-miss for me.

MacBreak Weekly - This show about news in the Apple ecosystem is something that I usually have on in the background while I'm performing some sort of task. Somewhat difficult to recommend to others based on the personalities and viewpoints of the hosts, but I've gotten used to it and sometimes get an interesting perspective on topics.

Ray Wenderlich Podcast - This podcast from the tutorial website,, covers topics related to app and game development. I usually pick up a nifty tip or two per episode.

Release Notes - A show about indie development in the iOS and Mac world. Each episode is relatively short as far as podcasts go, and the pace is brisk.

Super Best Friendcast - I love this podcast from the Best Friends Play zaibatsu. That shouldn't be much of a surprise since I'm a fan of their YouTube channel (Two Best Friends Play, Best Friends Play). Listening to this show reminds me of all the conversations I've had with gamers as a wee lad.

Support Driven - This interview-based show dives into the world of customer support. Usually has some nuggets for how to make customer support a key part of the user experience (and a competitive advantage) rather than just a 'necessary cost'.

The Talk Show - If you're in the Apple world, it's difficult to avoid running into people that listen to this show and follow John Gruber's analysis. Leans in the 'Apple Apologist' direction, but generally has well-thought out topics and discussion. Oh yes, and baseball.

This Week in Google - Another podcast starring Gina Trapani and people not named Gina Trapani. This show is a good way to keep up to date on what is going on in the world of Google and cloud computing.

Unprofessional - This podcast hosted by Dave Wiskus and Jaimee Newberry is one of my favorites because it usually involves some sort of crazy situation. Also, Circus Circus and Taco Bell.

What the Tech - a show covering tech topics hosted by Andrew Zarian and Paul Thurott (the Bizarro World version of Marco Arment) from Super Site for Windows. I find it somewhat difficult to agree with Andrew's take on things, but he's usually kept in check by Paul.

Windows Weekly - This is probably the best show to keep up to date with the latest news in the Microsoft world. Paul Thurott's sometimes curmudgeonly nature is balanced by the fabulous Mary Jo Foley of All About Microsoft. Favorite bits include Mary Jo's codename pick of the week and beer pick of the week.


Folks, podcasts are the tech generation's replacement for radio. If you have any additional shows that you love, drop me a line on Twitter or ADN.